BS/MD Program Closures and Application Process Updates!
In the past few years there have been several changes to BS/MD programs and the application process. In this blog we will discuss recent program closures as well as changes to BS/MD programs. More information and answers to any additional questions can be found by contacting us: or call 617-398-PREP [617-398-7737]. Call or email us today for your free 30-minute consultation!
Some BS/MD programs have been canceled recently and what this means for applicants
The list of the most recent closures include:
- Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program
- Boston University Seven-Year Liberal Arts/Medical Education Program a
- The University of Cincinnati Dual Admissions Program
- Northwestern University Honors Program in Medical Education (HPME),
- Washington University in St. Louis University Scholars Program in Medicine (USPM)
Program directors have cited various reasons for the closures, including concerns about the programs' effectiveness in promoting diversity. For example, BU's program was established in the late 1960s to attract highly academically qualified students. However, as BU has become a well-recognized undergraduate and medical school institution, the need for a combined medical program has decreased. Additionally, some institutions that have continued their BS/MD programs have reduced the number of available seats.
As a result of the reduced number of available seats, it has become even more competitive to gain admission to BS/MD programs. We are here to assist applicants in maximizing their chances of acceptance into a BS/MD program.
Virtual Interviews
In the past BS/MD programs have required students to fly to campus to interview both at the undergraduate and medical school. Since 2020 interviews have become virtual. While interviews over Zoom provide the advantage of not having to travel to the destination – saving time and money – there are several considerations to take. First of all, it is important to make sure students are giving interviews in a quiet environment with sufficient lighting so that their face can be seen clearly (desk lamps or ring lights can be used for this), as well as avoiding glare if students are wearing glasses. Our advisors recommend that interviewees conduct mock interviews with the same set-up they plan to have during their real interview. More information about our interview prep packages can be found here ( Students should still dress formally for their interview and log into zoom at least 5-10 minutes beforehand. The day before the interview students should make sure to have the correct Zoom link or other interview platform link as well as review any information sent by the program. If on a platform such as Webex that students may not use as frequently, students should install and test the software at least a few days in advance to troubleshoot any issues. Our advisors recommend students also record themselves while practicing to test audio levels, preferably with no earphones and at a comfortable distance from the camera.
On the interview day, in addition to preparing for the interview and asking interviewers questions during the interview, students should identify which sessions are purely informational and will not be used during evaluation. These sessions are a great opportunity for students to learn more details, both positives and negatives, about the program. Always remember that interview day is just as much for the students to get to know the program as it is for the program admission committee. If students feel uncomfortable asking their questions in a group setting, they should make sure to get the contact information for current students in the program to learn more office. Throughout the virtual interview day the student should try to assess if they think they will fit in well with the other students in the program. BS/MD programs often times are small tight-knit programs. Students also should not be shy to ask about other non-academic related activities that occur on campus and in the area the university is located to try to get as much of a holistic sense of the location and feel of the program.
If you are a high school student interested in applying to BS/MD programs, The Perfect Med team is here to help. Please reach out to learn more about our services or any other questions you may have!