Navigating the post COVID BS/MD application process

In this blog we will tips for staying competitive for BA/MD programs. More information and answers to any additional questions can be found by contacting us: or call 617-398-PREP [617-398-7737]. Call or email us today for your free 30-minute consultation!
Classes to take in high school
We understand that many students may have had schedule disruptions due to COVID but now that most schools and curriculums are back to normal it is important that students have had:
- 4 Years of English
- 2-3 years of Foreign Language
- 4 years of Math (including Calculus)
- 3 years History
- 1 year of each Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
While it is recommended that these classes are taken directly at the student’s high school, if that is not possible summer classes at a local community college or private school can also fulfill these required subjects.
Extracurricular Activities
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, more extracurricular activities have adapted to offer virtual or hybrid options. For instance, students seeking research opportunities can contact local researchers to inquire about in-person lab experiences, but if that is not possible, they can seek out virtual research opportunities at institutions further away. Virtual research opportunities can comprise of chart reviews and more clinical research instead of bench research. The Perfect Med Advisors help students navigate finding research opportunities both by applying to summer research programs as well as directly contacting researchers locally. Here is more information about our services to best help your student.
Shadowing can also be done virtually. With a lot of clinic appointments becoming telephone or video appointments, students can ask physicians they may know if they can join in virtually. We provide our students with tips on how to find and reach out to physicians in their community for shadowing opportunities.
There are also opportunities for volunteering online as well. Although in-person hospital volunteering or patient care opportunities are limited for high school students, there are several online resources that can direct students to virtual volunteering experiences.
If you are a high school student interested in applying to BS/MD programs, The Perfect Med team is here to help. Please reach out to learn more about our services or any other questions you may have!